The Kazakhstani Market of Soft Drinks. PESTLE analysis
The purpose of this work is to apply the PESTLE analysis to the company “RG BRANDS” in order to identify the key points. PESTEL’s analysis is to find out how external factors will affect the company’s activities and we will analyze 6 factors. Each of them has its own influence and from the result we can extract the disadvantages and advantages of the company and how it resists and resists external non-charitable factors. The results of the PESTEL analysis may be of interest to all interested parties and shareholders.
PESTEL analysis is used in the analysis of large companies that export their services and goods abroad. Such companies have multimillion-dollar turnover every year. PESTEL analysis includes such factors as: political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental and legal and legislative factors. All these factors are outside the company’s management and have a certain degree of impact on the company’s activities. Political factors may include both local and international influences. Economic factors can be the level of inflation, the dynamics of GDP growth, the unemployment rate, as well as other complex economic aspects. Sociocultural factors: modern social trends. Technological factors include: new technologies and scientific discoveries. Environmental factors may include: the environment. And all laws and regulations relate to legislative factors.
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