Changes in the state farm system of the Azerbaijan SSR (1926-1930s)


  • Maharramov Samir Gasim Doctor of philosophy in history, senior lecturer, Sumgayit State University


The first five-year plan was prepared to strengthen the material production base in our country, to eliminate the backwardness in agriculture, as well as in other areas of the economy, to increase productivity, to unite agriculture into a large collective farm equipped with new equipment. The construction of state farms was given a large place in this plan. On the eve of the first five-year period, the number of state farms in the republic was small, and economically they had not yet reached the required level. In the field of agriculture, the main task of the five-year period was to unite dispersed small individual agriculture, which did not have access to tractors and modern agricultural machines, to highly developed agriculture, to large collective farms armed with modern tools, and to create model state agriculture state farms on the remaining waste lands. In the mentioned period, the main task of strengthening the state farm economy and fulfilling the party's decisions about state farms is the organization of new cotton and livestock state farms.



How to Cite

Maharramov Samir Gasim. (2024). Changes in the state farm system of the Azerbaijan SSR (1926-1930s). Foundations and Trends in Research, (7). Retrieved from



Historical Sciences