
  • Pəri Paşayeva pedaqogika üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, Azərbaycan Dövlət Pedaqoji Universitetinin filologiya fakültəsinin Azərbaycan dili və onun tədrisi texnologiyası kafedrasının dosenti


Lexicon is a branch of the science of language and talks about the meaning characteristics and ways of development of the words in the language. It has a certain research object and its own system of concepts.

 Acquaintance with the system of lexical concepts in grades IV-V expands students' ideas about the Azerbaijani language, instills in them the habit of consciously approaching the word. Students understand that it is important to study the word not only from a phonetic and grammatical point of view, but also from a lexical point of view. However, this does not mean that the teacher should be content with teaching students lexical knowledge while passing the lexicology section. In the training process, all areas of the language should be considered as a whole. In other words, teaching the language should be a process of learning all its areas in a complete way. Therefore, in each lesson related to the Azerbaijani language, this or one of the various fields, for example, grammar, phonetics, etc. but different areas should be covered. The teacher in that lesson aims to teach only grammar material or only certain writing rules, such a lesson cannot be considered acceptable at all. Lexical phenomena must be related to other areas of language to one degree or another.



How to Cite

Pəri Paşayeva. (2022). LEKSİKOLOGİYANIN TƏDRİSİNDƏ İNTEQRASİYA . Modern Scientific Technology, (1). Retrieved from https://ojs.publisher.agency/index.php/MSC/article/view/72



Pedagogical Sciences