Parcellation in Azerbaijani language


  • Khalida F. Abdullayeva PHD, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Sheki branch, ORCID: 0000-0003-0827-1967


Azerbaijani literary language, sentence, word order, parcellation, components, inversion, communicative function, structure features, style


The article deals with the features of word-order of the sentence, mainly, the order of attribute and its inversion in sentences in Azerbaijani literary language. The exisi­sting theoretical opinions on formal-grammatical and logic- grammatical structures of the sentence are compared and generalized on examples from different literary works. The objective order of the attribute and its communicative features are explained on the examples. There are also many examples for inversion of attribute, mainly its inversion to the post-positive location of the sentence, called parcellation in linguistics. The inversed word-order of attribute dealing with the structure standards of the poems is valued as the result of the style and actual divizion of a sen­tence. And it is also stressed that the main reason of inversion of attribute is a result of communicative aspects of the sentence, also influence of the conversational language to the literary language



How to Cite

Khalida F. Abdullayeva. (2024). Parcellation in Azerbaijani language. Modern Scientific Method, (8). Retrieved from