Influence of Threat and avoidance experiences on reactions to intergroup conflict and ostracism Shaikhymuratova Indira Berikkhanovna


  • Shaikhymuratova Indira Berikkhanovna 8D01801 Doctoral student of the educational program “Social pedagogy", NAO L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. 2 Satpayev str., Astana, 010008, Kazakhstan. ORCID 0000-0002-0606-7180
  • Assylbekova Marziya Pazylovna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Pedagogy, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan, ORCID 0000-0001-7529-8022


Intergroup conflict, Ostracism, Social exclusion, Psychological well-being, Threat, Powerless, groups, avoidance, responses mechanisms


This article examines the complex interplay between threat, experience avoidance, and responses to intergroup conflict, specifically focusing on the impact of ostracism. It explores how threat content, particularly those directed at powerless groups, influences emotional responses, leading to either fear and avoidance or anger and confrontation.

The article then delves into the role of experience avoidance, a person's tendency to avoid stressful situations, in shaping individual perceptions and coping mechanisms when faced with ostracism.  It analyzes the findings of relevant research to understand how experience avoidance influences responses to social exclusion.

Finally, the article draws conclusions based on existing research and highlights the need for further exploration to better understand the complex dynamics of intergroup conflict and ostracism. This knowledge can contribute to the development of strategies for promoting social harmony and reducing the harmful effects of social exclusion. The article is executed within the framework of target programme financing of the grant project of the Committee of Science, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the theme BR 185744152 "Development of measures of prevention of children's bullying and study of its actual aspects".



How to Cite

Shaikhymuratova Indira Berikkhanovna, & Assylbekova Marziya Pazylovna. (2024). Influence of Threat and avoidance experiences on reactions to intergroup conflict and ostracism Shaikhymuratova Indira Berikkhanovna . Progress in Science, (7). Retrieved from



Pedagogical Sciences