The role of accounting and analytics in maintaining financial stability of organizations in crisis periods


  • Ashimkanova Symbat Baglankyzy Master Student, NSC NARXOZ UNIVERSITY, The Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • Joldybayeva Saule Esengeldyevna PHD, Associate Professor, NSC NARXOZ UNIVERSITY, The Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty


accounting, analytics, financial stability, crisis periods, management accounting, budgeting, risk forecasting, digital solutions, Kazakhstan companies, flexibility of accounting policies


This article examines the role of accounting and analytics in maintaining the financial stability of organizations during crisis periods. It emphasizes the importance of operational control over financial flows, risk forecasting, and analysis of income and expense structures. Examples of successful application of management accounting and budgeting demonstrate how Kazakhstani companies have adapted to economic challenges. The necessity of implementing digital solutions to enhance the effectiveness of accounting and analytics is underscored, as well as the importance of flexibility in accounting policies to ensure business sustainability



How to Cite

Ashimkanova Symbat Baglankyzy, & Joldybayeva Saule Esengeldyevna. (2024). The role of accounting and analytics in maintaining financial stability of organizations in crisis periods. Scientific Research and Experimental Development, (8). Retrieved from