Socio-psychological features of conflicts and their management


  • Исмаилова Роза Байжумановна сениор-лектор кафедры социально-гуманитарных дисциплин, к. п. н., ассоц. Профессор, Алматинский Технологический Университет
  • Алиева Марта Бакытжановна кандитат филологичсеких наук и. о. Доцент. Алматинский Технологический Университет
  • Бейсембаева Арай магистрант, Алматинский Технологический Университет
  • Қожабаева Айман Ғалымжанқызы магистрант, Алматинский Технологический Университет


Each of us had to deal with conflict situations. Conflicts manifest themselves in the activities of all social institutions, social groups, in the relationships between people and play a key role in the life of an individual, family, collective, state, society and man as a whole.

The people working in the organization are different from each other. Actually, they perceive the situation in which they find themselves in different ways due to their individual characteristics. The difference in perception often leads to the fact that people do not agree with each other when solving some issue. This disagreement arises when the situation is really of a conflict nature. The conflict is determined by the fact that the conscious behavior of one of the parties conflicts with the interests of the other party. Many conflicts arise in addition to the desire of their participants. This is due to the fact that people do not have an elementary idea of conflicts, or do not attach importance to them.

Thus, it is worth noting that most researchers consider conflict as a negative reaction and (or) a harmful process that must be avoided. However, conflict, by its nature, is a natural result of people working together and arises from a clash of perceptions, goals or values in a social group whose members care about as a result of the activities of this group. Thus, it is important to take into account that successful conflict management can benefit a social group – without conflicts, the collective regresses to the stage of apathy and emotional (professional) burnout, which will contribute to a significant decrease in the qualitative and quantitative indicators of its activities.



How to Cite

Исмаилова Роза Байжумановна, Алиева Марта Бакытжановна, Бейсембаева Арай, & Қожабаева Айман Ғалымжанқызы. (2023). Socio-psychological features of conflicts and their management. Scientific Research and Experimental Development, (2). Retrieved from