Philosophical aspects of empathy as the main condition for the implementation of the principles of inclusive education


  • Kakimzhanova Margarita Kabdulayevna Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after Saken Seifullin (Astana, Kazakhstan)
  • Nukesheva Anar Zhaskairatovna Candidate of Economic Sciences Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after Saken Seifullin, (Astana, Kazakhstan)
  • Mustafin Asset Kabdullayevich teacher of Darya comprehensive school (Shetsky district, Karaganda region)


relationships, inclusion, inclusive education, empathy, special educational needs, principles of building inclusive education, humanization of relationships, experiences, emotional relationships


Inclusiveeducation is notimportant in itself, andit is notonly the inclusion of childrenwithspecialneedsanddisabilitiesin the learningenvironment.This is,first of all, the creation of a newenvironment, taking into account a number of principlesin the organization of itslife. The mainone is thehumanization of the entiresystem of relations, the organization of interaction between the children's andadultcommunitiesbasedonempathy. To showempathyis to accept the Otherasheis.Formedempathy,empathicpersonalitytendenciesare a fundamentalconditioninacceptingotherpeople, a manifestation of a flexiblepositiontowardsthem,andingeneral a humanizingprinciple of the entiresystem of relations.



How to Cite

Kakimzhanova Margarita Kabdulayevna, Nukesheva Anar Zhaskairatovna, & Mustafin Asset Kabdullayevich. (2024). Philosophical aspects of empathy as the main condition for the implementation of the principles of inclusive education. Research Retrieval and Academic Letters, (7). Retrieved from



Philosophical Sciences