
  • Research Retrieval and Academic Letters
    No. 7 (2024)

    Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference “Research Retrieval and Academic Letters” (October 17-18, 2024). Warsaw, Poland

    ISBN 978-2-1911-0345-6
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.13983304

  • Research Retrieval and Academic Letters
    No. 2 (2023)

    Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference «Research Retrieval and Academic Letters» (May 11-12, 2023). Warsaw, Poland

    ISBN 978-9-8887-0452-1
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7935257

  • Research Retrieval and Academic Letters
    No. 4 (2023)

    Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific Conference «Research Retrieval and Academic Letters» (December 7-8, 2023). Warsaw, Poland

    ISBN 978-8-1152-9731-7
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10345920

  • Research Retrieval and Academic Letters
    No. 6 (2024)

    Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference «Research Retrieval and Academic Letters» (July 4-5, 2024). Warsaw, Poland

    ISBN 978-8-5090-0548-1
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.12682852

  • Research Retrieval and Academic Letters
    No. 1 (2022)

    Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference «Research Retrieval and Academic Letters» (January 26-27, 2023). Warsaw, Poland

    ISBN 978-3-2656-7302-8
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7586463

  • Research Retrieval and Academic Letters
    No. 3 (2023)

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference «Research Retrieval and Academic Letters» (August 24-25, 2023). Warsaw, Poland

    ISBN 978-3-6924-4588-5
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.8287957

  • Research Retrieval and Academic Letters
    No. 5 (2024)

    Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference «Research Retrieval and Academic Letters» (March 21-22, 2024). Warsaw, Poland

    ISBN 978-7-0827-5232-4
    DOI 10.5281/zenodo.10866973