The role of the engineering profession in the development of civilization


  • Tomiris Nurtai Student of ПСК-22-1 group
  • Altynai Toleubekova Students of ПСК-22-1 group
  • G.K.Karimova Teacher of Foreign Languages Department, Abylkas Sagynov Karaganda Technical University, Karaganda, the Republic of Kazakhstan


archaeological excavations, technical component, artificial technical objects, technological progress, implementation


For many centuries, even millennia before the social mode of production made possible and necessary the emergence of engineers in the full sense of the word, people faced engineering problems and individuals were able to solve them. After all, human civilization is based on the transformation of the natural world with the help of tools, that is, a set of various technical means. The history of engineering activity is relatively independent; it cannot be reduced to either the history of technology or the history of science. Its roots are lost in the depths of the past millennia.


2023-01-30 — Updated on 2023-01-31


How to Cite

Tomiris Nurtai, Altynai Toleubekova, & G.K.Karimova. (2023). The role of the engineering profession in the development of civilization. Research Retrieval and Academic Letters, (1). Retrieved from (Original work published January 30, 2023)